Dr. Adrian Villalta-Cerdas
Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry
Sam Houston State University
Dr. Villalta-Cerdas’s research is focused on learning strategies that foster skill development and studying effective teaching practices in early college chemistry education, with a particular interest in Hispanic Serving Institutions.
Dr. Tati Russo-Tait
Assistant Professor in the Cellular Biology Department
University of Georgia
Dr. Russo-Tait’s research explores the intersectional experiences and perspectives of students from minoritized backgrounds in STEM learning environments, and the role of STEM educators' beliefs and practices in promoting equity.
Dr. Tara Slominski
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biological Sciences
North Dakota State University
Dr. Slominski’s research frames grades and grading practices as a diversity, equity and inclusion issue and seeks to understand how these systemic practices may be reimagined to create more equitable learning environments that are better suited to support the needs of today’s college students.
Dr. Dina Verdin
Assistant Professor in the Polytechnic School
Arizona State University
Dr. Verdin’s research is focused on broadening participation in engineering by critically interrogating issues pertaining to access and persistence for minoritized students at the intersection of multiple social identities (i.e., Latinx students, first-generation college students, women, etc.).
Dr. Lisa Walsh
USDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Dr. Walsh’s research is focused on student motivations, barriers and resources that can improve the recruitment and retention of a diverse next-generation of agricultural scientists.
Dr. Brie Tripp
Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior Department
University of California, Davis
Dr. Tripp’s research is focused on creating equitable and inclusive spaces for undergraduate students in science classrooms by forming authentic partnerships with and centering voices of students from underserved backgrounds to create social justice in science curricula.
Dr. Oluwatobi (Tobi) Odeleye
Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry
West Virginia University
Dr. Odeleye’s research is focused on factors such as the classroom environment and teaching practices that influence student attitudes towards chemistry specifically, and STEM fields in general.
Dr. Jeanette Pirlo
Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences
California State University, Stanislaus
Dr. Pirlo’s research seeks to broaden representation within STEM fields by including students from historically excluded backgrounds in research and supporting them to examine how their science identity changes throughout their research experience and expand their acceptance of the theory of evolution.
Dr. Gabriella Coloyan Fleming
Research Associate in the Center for Equity in Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Fleming’s research interests include graduate engineering education, faculty hiring and retention, pathways to an academic career; assets-based learning; and access to engineering study abroad.

Dr. Jacob Wainman
Assistant Professor in the Swenson College of Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota Duluth
Dr. Wainman’s research interests considers how students’ identities can lead to differential impacts of evidence based teaching practice in first-year chemistry lecture and laboratory courses.